Friday, 23 December 2016

Goodbye 2016 - another year gone!

Wow, what a bad blogger I've been - only one post per year for the past two years! I'm hoping that night change in the coming months. I have taken some time off from my "day job" so will have more time to devote to my crafts - that's the plan anyway.

I thought I'd just start off by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and showcase a couple of the new quilled cards for this year.

Not so much new designs, but variations on cards I made a while ago.

Hoping you all have a peaceful and restful festive season and I'll see you on the other side!


Sunday, 3 January 2016

Happy 2016!!

Wow, just thought I'd start off the New Year in the way I'd like to continue, with a post on here and have realised that my last post was over a year ago!! How did that happen? All I can do, to any of you who are still out there, is apologise and promise that I will try and do better this year. Which won't be hard - one more post and I will have achieved that aim, he he!!

I've been working away over the Christmas break on updating some of my older designs. So far have made this card in three colourways but have lots more planned. Anyone have any ideas of colours they would like to see?

Will be back soon, I promise!!
