Sunday, 1 January 2012

New crafty blog for the new year!!


Is there anyone there?

Well, my new year's resolution (along with the other more usual ones of losing weight, taking more exercise etc etc!) was to start a blog and here I am on the first day of 2012, making my first post. Just to make things clear from the start, I know I won't be able to post on here every day. For the moment I will be posting at weekends so please come back once a week to see what I've been up to.

I'm hoping this blog will be a place where I can share some of my creations and inspirations with you.

To let you know a little bit about me I'm Jill, fifty-something, mother to Jessica (18), Joe (16) and Annie (14) and wife to Geoff. During the day I work for Surrey County Council as a specialist teacher, helping and advising other teachers on meeting the needs of the special needs children in their classes.

But my passion is for papercrafting, especially card-making and specifically quilling. I currently sell my cards online via two sites: Etsy and Folksy, under the name of PaperDaisyCardDesign. I'm sure eventually I'll work out how to put buttons on here to link straight through to my shops, but meanwhile the links are: and

Just to start this blog off, the images in this post are of two New Year cards I made today. I have used the Quickutz Studio alphabet dies for the wording and the 2" x 2" confetti die. No quilling on these cards, obviously, but I do have lots of quilled cards to show you so please come back next weekend!

Meanwhile Happy New Year to all my readers.......anyone????



  1. Wow, love that new year greetings! i like the combination of colors, as well as the confetti ornament. Very cool.

    xoxox Marilyn @

  2. Confetti plus a good font for new year greetings, this is such a nice card! LOVE IT!

    Sandra Cooper xxxx
