Sunday 29 January 2012

Quilled Valentine's card

So how is your weekend going? Mine has been the usual round up of catching up with the washing, cooking, shopping, cleaning and tidying, along with a fair few "taxi" trips taking teenagers here, there and everywhere. I'll be off again in a minute to take the oldest one to work.

But thought I'd just quickly try to drop in here to show you a newly designed quilled Valentine card. 

I had several ideas for Valentine's Day cards for this year but I haven't been able to find a minute to get them made. Although this design looks very simple, new designs always take ages to tweak and this was no exception.

I had a special request from a customer on Etsy this week, in fact the same one who ordered the teacup card I showed earlier.
"Can u make me a cute first birthday owl boy card and somehow integrate monkeys too?? I need this one quilckly as party is next saturday....I don't want one as expensive."
 I very politely declined!  Makes me think that the amount of time that goes into quilled cards is not always appreciated.

Well that's it for me today. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Jill xx

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