Sunday 11 March 2012

Quilled birthday card for men

Good evening everyone,

Another very late post from me. I do have good excuses though. Firstly, I've been putting the final touches to the assignment I've been working on so that's it's now ready to print and hand in. Hurray! I really feel as though I will now get my life back. Secondly, my youngest daughter borrowed my camera today and I've only just got it back - the photos I want to show you tonight were on the memory card in the camera!

The card I'm sharing tonight is a rare one for me - a card that's suitable for men. Like a lot of crafters, I really struggle with designs for male cards, especially if I want to make it a quilled card. The idea for this one came from one of my very good customers. She asked if I had any cards suitable for a man and said if not could I do one of my bunting cards in more appropriate colours for a man. Well, here's the result:

The original idea for the quilled bunting once again came from my very reliable source of inspiration, Diane Boden Crane. I did a workshop with Diane this weekend and again came away with lots of ideas for very special cards. I made a lovely card for my mum for Mother's Day which I'll share week.

I have this bunting card for sale in my shops but in much more fun girly colours, although you can request any colour scheme you would like.  I made a card like this for my youngest daughter's 14th birthday and she loved it - bunting is so "on trend" at the moment.

Hope you like it! See you next week,


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