Tuesday 10 April 2012

Quilled graduation card

Hi everyone,

Oh my, late again! I'll try and make up for it by posting twice this week - as it's the school holidays I have a bit more time on my hands! Hope you all had a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend - a shame the weather wasn't a bit better.
Today I'd like to share another card which resulted from a special order. I was asked if I could make a quilled graduation card. Now this card may look very simple in design, but I'm always amazed at how long it takes me to come up with new designs.

If this card had been intended for a female graduate, I would have included some quilled flowers to pretty it up a bit, but as it was for the customer's son, I thought it best to avoid that. It took me ages to work out how to make a quilled mortar board look like the real thing - this is my 8th attempt!

I stamped stars on the navy background card with navy ink using an old Hero Arts stamp called "Star in star".  The greeting was composed using text boxes and fonts called Papyrus and Scriptina Pro - love both of those fonts.

Hope you like it - will be propducing a personalised version for the original customer.

Will be back later this week,


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