Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Quilled Mother's Day card

Hey there everyone,

I hope all my UK readers have been enjoying the snow for the past few days? My children are now 19, 17 and 15 but still can't resist going out there to have a play. My youngest, Annie, went sledging with a friend on Sunday - I think a good time was had by all! And my son spent most of the weekend building an igloo in our back garden. Sadly he ran out of snow before completing the project but apparently it is snowing again now, so maybe tomorrow he can finish it.

The days since Christmas seem to have slipped by so fast and we are hurtling with great speed towards Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. Today I want to show you a quilled Mother's Day card design which I have been selling in my Etsy and Folksy shops for a couple of years.

A very simple design in a range of pretty colours as you can see. This card has sold well in previous years so am hoping for the same this year.

I was just checking my Etsy shop and did a little squeal when I realised that I've now sold 997 cards from that site. Only 3 to go until 1000. I can still remember the excitement I felt on my first sale and here we are, three years five months later on nearly number 1000. 

Stay warm. I'll be back soon,


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