Friday, 28 June 2013

Quilled dragonflies

Popping in quickly to show you this new range of quilled dragonfly cards. These were inspired by some quilled stickers I bought many years ago. 

And that's it. Said I was going to be quick!


Monday, 17 June 2013

Quilled silver wedding card

Hi everyone,

A couple of weeks ago I found myself with a little spare time, which is a rare thing in my life. I used the time to have a play, trying to come up with some new designs. On the first day my mojo just seemed to be absent - nothing I did looked right. So depressing.
However, the next day this design just happened and I'm so pleased with it.


This design has a lot more possibilities. I have started making it in versions for all the special anniversaries, plus will make a couple for birthdays - watch this space. I showed my sister, who liked the design but said she would prefer it to say "25th" rather than "SILVER" - now there's a thought. What would you prefer?


Sunday, 16 June 2013

Happy Father's Day

Hello, and a Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. 

Just thought I'd pop in and show you the card I made for my dad this year. I have to admit, making cards for men is not my thing. Whereas for female, a little arrangement of quilled flowers usually does the trick, men are much more difficult. As you can imagine, after 20 years of card making, my inspiration for something new for my dad is fairly limited. Over the years he's received from me cards with quilled owls, quilled frogs, quilled ducks amongst the bulrushes, a quilled fisherman, a quilled sail boat, quilled hot air balloons, a quilled garden scene..... the list goes on. So this year, I've gone for something completely different. 

This card has less quilling on it than any card I've ever made! Just three little solid coils below the message.

Hope my dad likes it - I'm happy with it as clean and simple always wins out for me! What do you think? 

Have a great day however you are celebrating Father's Day,


Saturday, 15 June 2013

Happy birthday mom!

Hi there everyone,

Just wanted to show you this card which I've recently added to my Folksy and Etsy shops. As you can see it is a three panel, concertina style card, which makes it all the more special for those milestone birthdays.

I've made this card in several other colourways previously like this:


but I think this latest one, in lovely pastel shades of lilac and blue is my favourite so far. 

I add a blank panel on the reverse so that there is room for a personal message to be written. 

I've already sold one of these cards which has been personalised in Italian, I think, and will soon be winging its way to Switzerland.


Sunday, 2 June 2013

Quilled graduation cards

Hello again everyone,

Wow, this is my third post in a week - can you tell I've been off work this week?

I've just spent a lovely Sunday morning, listening to Richard Madeley on Radio 2 and crafting away in my studio, coming up with some new designs for my Folksy and Etsy shops. This is the time of year when orders for graduation cards come rolling in and this design was inspired by a customer who wanted her card to feature a wise owl. Something stirred in the deeper recesses of my mind, reminding of a quilled owl design I used to make several years ago. I managed to find some photos of those designs.

Now, I wouldn't want my name associated with those cards these days - I think my design skills have improved somewhat. But the little quilled owl was a perfect pattern for what I needed.

This is the personalised card made for my customer:

I then started to play around to create a non-personalised card, as some customers do not want names, dates etc added. This card is smaller - 6" x 4", but I think I prefer it! What do you think?

And here are the two cards together, so that you can compare the sizes. In my mind, small is always more beautiful!!

Sadly no more time to play today - I have 6 orders to get made and I'd really like to get out in the sunshine for a little while!

Back soon,

Jill x

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Quilled birthday card

So here, as promised is the "sister" version of the card I last showed you, this time as a birthday card and in a different colour combination. Sorry, no time to elaborate - I have some work to do for the "day job" which I've been putting off all week but really must now knuckle down!

Back soon,

Jill x