Monday, 17 June 2013

Quilled silver wedding card

Hi everyone,

A couple of weeks ago I found myself with a little spare time, which is a rare thing in my life. I used the time to have a play, trying to come up with some new designs. On the first day my mojo just seemed to be absent - nothing I did looked right. So depressing.
However, the next day this design just happened and I'm so pleased with it.


This design has a lot more possibilities. I have started making it in versions for all the special anniversaries, plus will make a couple for birthdays - watch this space. I showed my sister, who liked the design but said she would prefer it to say "25th" rather than "SILVER" - now there's a thought. What would you prefer?



  1. Hi Jill these cards are fab, really elegant. I shall look at your other posts - I'm a Jill who Quills too but I'm afraid I haven't posted much quilling for a while.

  2. Thanks Jill. I like your blog - I'm thinking of doing more "non-quilled" cards too - just never seem to get the time!
