Friday, 25 October 2013

Another quilled Christmas card design

Hi everyone,

I've been getting in a festive mood,  making lots of new Christmas designs. I have had this idea for a while and finally found a moment to make it. Happily it was one of those designs which looked exactly as I had hoped - doesn't happen often :) It is a very clean and simple design, as are many of my cards.

The photos are not great, I'm afraid as I've been struggling to find a day when the light is good enough. The bauble is made with white paper edged with pearl blue - from JJ Quilling, of course. The bow is a Memory Box die I think. I really should find out how to link the supplies I've used at the bottom of a post - can anyone help me?
I made another version of this card in a different colourway - pop back tomorrow to see it.

Until then, have fun,



  1. This is gorgeous Jill, beautiful colour and very effective.
    Do you mean a more advanced link than the one where I linked to you & JJ Quilling in my post?

  2. Thanks Jill. I've seen several blogs where at the bottom of the post there are a series of thumbnails which link you to the products used (and the supplier) - that's what I meant :)

  3. Ahh yes - me too! (I don't know how that happens!).

  4. Great design! I'd like to discuss selling your Christmas card design for purchase on my site along with other cards I have for sale. Interested?


  5. Thanks. I may be interested. Could you let me have more details please?

